Donnerstag, Februar 2

Second Generation CDP

Continuous Data Protection, more commonly known as CDP, is the buzzword du jour in the data protection market

by Scott Jarr, Lifevault

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Continuous Data Protection, more commonly known as CDP, is the buzzword du jour in the data protection market. Recent announcements by large, brand-name vendors like Microsoft, IBM/Tivoli and Symantec all tout their latest products as providing continuous data protection, so the market is categorizing all CDP products as "new."
In fact, CDP products have been around since the late 1990s. Dozens of vendors claim to provide CDP and have their own perspective of what exactly CDP entails. For an additional perspective, Google "CDP software" and you will receive nearly 200,000 results. With that being said, if you take a look at what CDP really means and do your best to avoid the marketing hype, you'll soon learn that what most vendors are offering is rudimentary and won't fully protect your business. The majority of CDP offerings claim to provide CDP, but what they are offering is continuous data backup, not continuous data protection. CDP already is into its second generation, and it's no longer about just backing up data.
